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help with nils lou dvd

updated wed 14 mar 07


John Fulwood on mon 12 mar 07

Hi Sylvia,

I saw the same dvd. One of my students got it with a wheel he bought. I could not watch it all the way through. It took three tries to make it to the end. I would blame it on poooooooor editing and there are definately some missimg parts that would be worth seeing.

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
>From: Sylvia See
>Sent: Mar 11, 2007 9:05 PM
>Subject: help with Nils Lou dvd "On the Wheel with Nils Lou"
>Hi all. Haven't been on the list for years, but am back into clay and
>loving every minute. I bought the new Nils Lou video, and have read great
>reviews on it here on the list. I am wondering if there is something wrong
>with the dvd that I have and should send it back. In my dvd, it jumps in
>mid sentence in places and goes into a completely different segment. It
>will go from the throwing of the neck of a large form, right into the
>middle of his throwing a large bowl, and the conversation doesn't match at
>all. I have read where he discussed S cracks, and since he doesn't set the
>bottom of anything he throws on the tape, we were anxious to hear how he
>deals with the S-cracks, but it is missing on my tape.
>So for those of you who already have his tape, can you tell me if I have a
>bad copy, or is yours the same. If so then the director and editor have
>really done a bad job on this video. My gosh, what a wonderful potter Nils
>is. Watching him work is mesmorizing. Great new ideas I have not seen
>before, and his techniques and work habits are a privilege to watch. The
>dvd directing and editing, could be the problem. However, maybe not, and
>I just have a tape with a bunch of missing parts which needs to be
>returned and replaced.
>Any help with this would be appreciated.
>Sylvia See
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John Fulwood
Kissimmee River Pottery
One 8th St. #11
Frenchtown, NJ. 08825