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glaze stability.

updated sat 10 mar 07


Ivor and Olive Lewis on thu 8 mar 07

Dear Chris Groat ,

I did have a look through some geology sites for Copper silicate =
minerals and came up with the well known Chrysocholla. This is not =
CuSiO3 of CuO.SiO2 but is given as CuSiO3.2H2O. It is described as an =
amorphous material of varying composition, a "Hydrogel" or gelatinous =

If you make a solution of Copper Sulphate then mix fluid sodium silicate =
into this you get a pale blue green precipitate. This dries to an =
intense blue solid. but once it dries out the colour fades and you are =
left with a white mass in which there are black speckles.

I would like to get that vivid colour on pots.

Best regards,

Ivor Lewis.
South Australia.