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clayart room photography workshop

updated sun 18 feb 07


L. P. Skeen on thu 15 feb 07

Greetings folks! :) Russel Fouts usually handles this, but the lucky
dog has gotten himself invited to be in six different shows, and thus he
will not be able to conduct the workshop this year. I volunteered to be
the ringmaster, so here's the plan.

The first time I think we did this workshop was in Charlotte, and folks
who wanted to participate brought their slides for critique by industry
professionals (i.e. magazine editors, book editors, etc.). I would
like to do this again, because I think it's helpful to know what the
editors are looking for in an image.

The workshop is usually held on Thursday night, AFTER the distinguished
lecture but BEFORE the Randall Session - that's between 6:30 and 9pm.
Lord knows it shouldn't take that long, but it might. Anyway, if you're
interested in getting feedback on your image making abilities, you are
invited to bring your images. I will have a standard Kodak slide
projector as well as a digital projector. (Everybody say THANK YOU TIM
FREDERICH for loaning his digital projector and THANK YOU to Gail
Phillips for bringing a screen!)

In order to make this as painless as possible, if you have a digital
image you would like to share, please send it to me in JPG format via
email. I'd like to get the images all on one CD before I leave to make
things as easy to do as I can.

In addition to the slide crit (and it'll be the photography, NOT THE
POTS that are critiqued, let me emphasize that again!), John Hesselberth
has offered to show us his presentation on how to move to digital
photography for show submissions. That should be great, and I am
looking forward to it.

So, again, the nitty gritty:

What: Photography Session
Where: Clayart Room, Galt House Hotel
When: 6:30pm until done or 9:00, whichever comes first, Thursday March 15

Bring your slides a little early, or look for a box to drop them in
(with your name on, please!) beforehand. Digital images (JPG) send me
in email as soon as possible.

Any questions, lemme know. At this point, Suzanne Tourliott (I HOPE I
spelled that right) and John Hesselberth are our 'jurors'; I have emails
out to others. If you are interested in being a juror, lemme know.
