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prioritizing books

updated thu 25 jan 07


Lili Krakowski on wed 24 jan 07

Craig's wonderful and generous sister gave him a B & N gift certificate and
he wants to know which book he should pick.

"I fire low fire or can go up to Cone 5-6 oxidation.

The Essential Guide to Mold Making & Slip Casting
Andrew Martin

Potter's Complete Book of Clay and Glazes: A Comprehensive Guide to
Formulating, Mixing, Applying and Firing Clay Bodies and Glazes
by Chappell

Clay: A Studio Handbook
Vince Pitelka

Handbuilt Ceramics: Pinching * Coiling * Extruding * Molding * Slip Casting
* Slab Work
Kathy Triplett, Evan Bracken (Photographer)

The Ceramic Glaze Handbook: Materials, Techniques, Formulas
Mark Burleson

Can anyone prioritize them for me?"

Dear Craig: WHAT is it you MOST need to learn?

If you do not slip cast, only throw, or only press mold, or only handbuild
then Martin and Triplett are hardly first choices.

Chappell is excellent, but is it what you need most? Do you mix your own
clay bodies?

Vince's book is first-rate , it is up to date, it is on target, and so on.
If you are
just starting, it will help a lot. As you are asking a basic ? about what
book, etc. I assume you are relatively new to clay, and that is a great book
to have.

I do not know the Burleson book. I do not know how basic it is. If you are
new to glaze I would suggest you go to the Library and get some of the books
on glaze FIRST before buying one. What I think most important about books
on glaze is the SAFETY ISSUE. I do not know when the Burleson was
written/updated etc.

And before I splurged at B & N I would search the second hand book market
and see what I can get there....THEN buy a new book....

Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage