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architectural molds

updated thu 18 jan 07


Marcia Selsor on tue 16 jan 07

> Does anyone know of a source for plaster molds of casing,
> trim, crown molding etc. or is there anyone out there
> willing to make some for me?
> Have looked everywhere and so far come up empty.
> Wendy Kelsey, Operations Manager
I think you could design a die and extrude whatever shape you wanted
on a pug mill/extruder.
Marcia Selsor

Wendy Kelsey on tue 16 jan 07

Does anyone know of a source for plaster molds of casing,
trim, crown molding etc. or is there anyone out there
willing to make some for me?

Have looked everywhere and so far come up empty.

Wendy Kelsey, Operations Manager
Martini Ceramics
Custom Tile, Gifts and Ceramic Art
1272 Paradise Cove
Ferndale, WA 98248-9469
Telephone: 360-392-8607
Fax: 832-550-4856

WJ Seidl on tue 16 jan 07

Check these folks out. They might be able to help, or point you in the
right direction:
Wayne Seidl

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Wendy Kelsey
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 10:31 AM
Subject: architectural molds

Does anyone know of a source for plaster molds of casing,
trim, crown molding etc. or is there anyone out there
willing to make some for me?

Have looked everywhere and so far come up empty.

Wendy Kelsey, Operations Manager
Martini Ceramics
Custom Tile, Gifts and Ceramic Art
1272 Paradise Cove
Ferndale, WA 98248-9469
Telephone: 360-392-8607
Fax: 832-550-4856

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sandy miller on wed 17 jan 07

hey check out this place!
