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grinding tools/affairs/joy of my life

updated thu 30 nov 06


joyce lee on tue 28 nov 06

I want to do some decorative (?) grinding on some
of my pots. I would appreciate any information you
might have to offer as to what kind of grinder is
best for a novice to use.

I'm hoping this post will get through. As soon as
Mel returns I'm changing my server to one that
works beyond the point of telling me that I have
187 messages available, but will not let me
download them. I know that they're Clayart
posts so it's driving me nuts. Of course, in turn,
I'm driving the folks nuts, too, but
they do deserve it! Why must everything be a
challenge?? My Guy in India (yes, actually in
India; his supervisor is in New York) helps
alleviate some of the frustration or I'd never manage
to get ANY clayart posts through. I love him.

In the Mojave where she is avidly reading about
everybody's Affair With Clay.=20
I'm enjoying the heck out of this thread, and chuckle at
the image of Bonnie .... our Bonnie S..... applying for,
getting and attending to a job with the newspaper! How
many careers does this make now, Bonnie? Talk
about role models. Whatta woman!

Primal, as often happens, makes great points for
both sides of the Clay question... Job/Affair???=20
And Tony's take on how he feels now compared to the
way he felt about production throwing hours&hours
as a daily routine when he was chronologically
younger .... (he continues to hover around 30, maybe
35, in my perception. And he offers great neck kisses!) Chris weighs in =
with her
practical, experienced and positive views of making
a living with clay. Thanks to each of you and anybody
I've failed to mention. I've read all your posts but can't
linger over them for fear that they'll be out there in
cyberspace forever instead of preening on your
screens to enrich your days.

It's moot for me to ponder this issue as a personal
one since age and health have banked a little of
the fire. HOWEVER, that is not to say that I don't
continue to think clay/clay/clay ad nauseum. I
dream of pot forms.... and now glazes almost with
equal fervor. I still marvel that a potter (including
this one) can depart from home with a load of pots,
spread those pots out on a blanket and have the joy
of meeting so many exciting, adventuresome folks,
PLUS adding bucks to help defray the trip costs.
When planning for retirement I never once had that
particular dream. Turns out it's one of the True
Happiness Raisers of my life.

Thank you, claybuds for all your encouragement and
advice through these post-retirement years. Whatta
blessing; whatta life...........

Bonnie Staffel on wed 29 nov 06

Joyce, how sweet of you. This new job is sort of a cul de sac in my =
path. I did a lot of proof reading of web sites over the past ten years =
free, now I am getting paid for something I have been in tune with for a
long time. Also it is sort of a full circle thing as when I was in high
school, I was the editor of our newspaper and art editor of the =
Never know when these skills will come in handy.

Bonnie Staffel
DVD Throwing with Coils and Slabs
DVD Beginning Processes
Charter Member Potters Council