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transferring photo to tile

updated mon 20 nov 06


Hilary Kerrod on mon 20 nov 06

Irene wrote "..friend of mine is a artist and she asked me if I knew how to
transfer her
art work on to tiles. Can someone explain to me how its done. Also photos
applied to tiles and and then fired."

I make photographic screens and use those with a ceramic ink (basically a
thick slip with lots of oxides and a wee bit of frit or glaze) I print on
soft slabs and build with them.
I also print directly from a photocopy (viscosity transfer)
Look up where I
got my info.
If you like this technique, PERSEVERE as I found I improved with practice.
Let me know how you get on if you are interested, I might be able to
trouble-shoot as I teach workshops for both these processes.
There is also a whole book in the Ceramics Skillbooks series on print on
clay ( )
I wrote a self-published book on my version, but I'm out of print!
Come to New Zealand and I'll show you though.
Hilary Kerrod