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ceramic work with acrylic or oil paint finishes: sara lisch and

updated mon 2 oct 06


Helen Bates on sun 1 oct 06

Bennett Bean

Sara Lisch (Vashon, WA, USA)
(Figural ceramic sculptures with glazes and oil paints)

Bennett Bean (Blairstown, NJ, USA)
> Bean began to develop both a style and way of working that is
> uniquely his. Because he like the sheen that Native American
> potters achieved by sealing the surface of a fired pot by
> rubbing it with an animal skin impregnated with fat, he adapted
> the process first by using linseed oil and now paste urethane
> to accomplish that effect. There has been a similar evolution
> from 'proper' ceramic behavior in his application of colour
> after firing. First Bean used ochre, which was acceptable,
> and then experimented with various paints before settling on
> acrylic in 1982.

Helen Bates
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
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