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true! boiling water in microwave,

updated thu 6 jul 06


Ivy Glasgow on wed 5 jul 06

Don't be so fast to debunk this one! It's really not so rare, and it is a
real danger. It's happened to me twice, and to other people in my family too.
The times that it happened to me: I was not using a brand-new mug, I was
using a mug and a bowl right off the dusty ol' kitchen shelf. I was not
using distilled water, just plain dirty Cleveland tap water. I did not run
the microwave for longer than I would have usually. So, theoretically, there
should have been plenty of 'seeds' for the water to boil on. BUT... both
times, when I reached into the microwave and dropped in a tea bag/ instant
soup, KAFLOOIE! boiling water everywhere. Fortunately I was not seriously
burned, but I refuse to boil plain water in a microwave ever again.
Incidentally- both times were in a microwave without a turntable; one was a
Kenmore, the other a GE.

>Obviously Brian, you did not go to either of the website that I listed.
>Both said that the microwave phenomenon is real, but quite rare (and a very
>good reason for not being too sanitary :>) )so get off my case. Also, why
>does the supposed urban legend only mention GE. Is there something about a
>GE microwave that is different from others? Sorry, but this horse is dead.
>Tom Wirt