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passed inspection /before the wheel

updated sun 25 jun 06


Leland Hall on sat 24 jun 06

I'm happy to announce that I finally got brave enough to schedule the final
inpection on the new electric service, and everything passed. Yup, got
the "nod of approval" from the county.

Business is picking up gradually.

And gradually too, I'm finding ways to make the ever so smaller space
function. As I proceed I'm seeing where and how to expand. When? When
able of course. It'll come.

Picked up an old Walker mill that is helping out and speeding things up.
(yes yes, I know I know, dangerous as hell, but after reading every word in
the archives on the subject I decided they are probably no more dangerous
than chainsaws. And it sure beats NO machinery for clay, which was the
option at hand)

Tried to upgrade to an old broke Petter Pugger on E-bay, but she went too
high for me, and I bailed at the last minute.

Currently in Test mode with glaze looking for new interesting surfaces and
color. The reject/shard heap is growing at an alarming rate.

Bit the bullet and put out for a REAL trim tool, Bison of course. Thanks
Phil. These are the only trim tools I've found on the market that are
not "disposable", especially if you work with grogged or sanded clay. I may
have tried 'em all, but looks like this will be the last one I need.

I don't know much, but I know I couldn't have come this far without Clayart
people. A million thanks.

All I can do now, is strive to be worthy.


Leland Hall, and Judy too
Before The Wheel Enterprises
La Pine, Oregon USA