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frited copper blue stain 2

updated tue 7 mar 06


Des & Jan Howard on sat 4 mar 06

Adding something like soda ash may stuff up the result.
Another possibility to assist in the melt is to ball mill the
ingredients for 24-36 hours, don't decant excess water until clear.
Arabia once made a flameproof body, the only glaze possible was the
fired body ball milled to micro-fine slip.

Ivor and Olive Lewis wrote:

>Must make some of this stuff. I will fire at cone 8 and use Soda ash as a flux.

Des & Jan Howard
Lue Pottery
LUE NSW 2850
Ph/Fax 02 6373 6419

Ivor and Olive Lewis on mon 6 mar 06

Dear Des Howard=20

Realising that Calcium Oxide, derived from any of the compounds =
suggested by the text you found together with Silica, is not going to =
melt at any temperature attainable by a potter I suggested Sodium =
Carbonate as something that will melt in the 850-900 Deg C range and =
serve as a flux to initiate sintering=20

Without sintering or the intervention of a solid state reaction or the =
use of a really high temperature not much will happen. This may explain =
the " 100 hours". Even if the assumption is made that Copper Oxide, =
which does have a melting point within reach of a pottery kiln will act =
as a solvent it is necessary to postulate that it will dissolve Calcium =
oxide. Molten Copper Oxide and molten silicon dioxide are immiscible and =
do not appear to react to form an chemical compounds. Nor can I find =
evidence to support a reaction between Cu2O and CaO.

Your suggestion to ball mill the mix could be promising if it were done =
dry and the Sodium carbonate added later.

"Another possibility to assist in the melt is to ball mill the
ingredients for 24-36 hours, don't decant excess water until clear.
Arabia once made a flameproof body, the only glaze possible was the
fired body ball milled to micro-fine slip.

This seems logical, an offshoot of the Terra Sig process.

Such mind twisting problems we set for ourselves!

All he best,
