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nitride bonded sheleves from alpha materials in minneapolis

updated mon 30 jan 06


john tracey on sun 29 jan 06

I would like to here from anyone who has purchased and used the 5/16 in
thick nitride bonded kiln shelves from
a company called alpha materials out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Their
shelves are about 35% less expensive than any where else I have prices
from. They are a nitride bonded shelve with a groove cut around the
edge to relieve stress. They have a porosity of about 12 percent. These
are not the same as advancer shelves which have a much lower porosity
about 2%. The shelves from alpha are supposed to be less problematic
with exploding from moisture. What I would like to know is if the hold
up at cone 10 without warping?. also any other info on this company
such as how are they to deal with in case of goods arriving damaged?

Thanks, John Tracey

Mark Issenberg on sun 29 jan 06

I had bought 6 new shelves from Geil.. Three came in cracked.. Geil replaced
my cracked shelves.. There was no BS.. They were great to work with,,,

I really like the new shelves,, so much lighter

Mark on Lookout Mtn