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hvlp experiences

updated sat 28 jan 06


Alex Solla on fri 27 jan 06

After having heard Vince complaining about the Geil gun, I figured I should probably see what the big deal was behind HVLP sprayers. I followed the thread about buying them from Harbor Freight etc.... but in general, I dont buy the cheapest product, but rather the one that suits my needs best.

To that end I just recently bought a Wagner HVLP sprayer. Turbine Driven, pretty quiet, especially compared to my HUGE compressor.

Results: oh my!
What used to take either tremendous pressure and/or LOTS of time... takes moments now. This little bugger puts out so much glaze that I have had to dial the volume of spray DOWN. Overspray is negligible. What overspray does happen is mostly operator error... not knowing how this cone of intense glaze would bounce off the pot if too much was applied, etc... AMAZING. Better finish than I have seen off of any regular sprayer.

So, what have I used in the past? Not quite everything because I havent tried the new Geil gun... was actually waiting for the verdict from Vince.....
But I have used automotive sprayers of almost every affordable brand, Paasche sprayers and airbrushes, the Critter, and most recently a primer sprayer... used by auto body shops to lay down MASSIVE amounts of material fast.

This HVLP sprayer is SO much better. And simple. No springs or things to get lost. Unscrew the cap to clean, soak in water, reassemble. I like that. Will it wear out? Probably. Will it break? Doubt it. Construction seems good. And $100 and ready to go.... I like that a lot. Lowes carries it.

As always, the question is: How do the pots look? First glaze load came out yesterday and I should see batch #2 tomorrow morning (kiln just shut off 10 min ago)... and so far, I am amazed. Doesnt look sprayed. Has the greater depth one gets with dipped glazes.... no drips though, no overlap lines. Nice. For big platters and BIGGER planters, I am feeling very encouraged.

To Vince: thanks for taking the time (and the heat) to investigate these HVLP claims of Geil's. Hope the student who bought the gun actually LIKES how it works. And thanks to everyone who suggested we look into HVLP. Mighty sweet.


Alex Solla

Cold Springs Studio
4088 Cold Springs Road
Trumansburg, NY 14886


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