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rosie's glazes and more

updated tue 13 dec 05


marianne kuiper milks on mon 12 dec 05

Here't iz:

Rosie's Blue (grams)
Flint 150
EPK 25
Soda F4 feldspar 100
Talc 90
Gerstley Borate 160
Cobalt Carb 5
Red iron Oxide 5 *
Rutile 25 **

* I used special red iron oxide, which was all I had (3 gr, not 5) and it turned out quite darker than w regular iron oxide.
** I have both light and dark rutile (don't ask me why..) and I used the light.
When I made up that batch, it was not as creamy-blue as when I'd done it before.
So fiddle with it - really lovely and different.

This is a soft-bumpy crawling glaze that I like on the outside of mugs/bowls, off white. Nice with Rosie's red:
I call it "lambswool" ^6
Custer feldspar 350
Whiting 200
Zinc 100
Talc 150
Ball Clay 200

All these combine well with the Rosie's Red, I think. And so does a cone 6 maiolica
You can see that the Rosie's recipes are quite similar.

Have fun playing,let me know, please! These are good in electric!

Marianne Bonne chance!

Brad Carter wrote: Thanks, Marianne. I would like to try the blue if you could send me the


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