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looking for an english ceramicist

updated thu 1 dec 05


UU KRC on tue 29 nov 05

It is rather grudgingly that I come to the group as a
whole for this. I've bean wading through the archives
with the help of Google trying to find a post I read
about 15 months ago (I think). It was in the midst of
a discussion about small wood kilns that I encountered
an English couple that do a wood fire every spring in
a kiln built from clay scraps laid over a "wicker"
frame. I was rather interested in their processes and
even emailed them directly once for more details about
their projects.

Now I have more questions for them and the emails are
long gone. I thought I'd be able to find them in the
archived messages but am having no luck.

Anyone who thinks they may know whom I am speaking of,
please help me out. Thank you all.

(With a deflated Google ego)

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UU KRC on wed 30 nov 05

Once again this unique group has helped me find
information where my own efforts fail. Tom B. was good
enough to find the very people I was speaking of.

Steve Mills and his associates at Bath Potters'
Supplies are the folks I was searching for.

I thank the list as a whole as I received many helpful
suggestions off list.

Good Work all,

JL Webster
Central Washington

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