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plate hangers

updated sun 27 nov 05


Bryan Hannis on sat 26 nov 05


I'm looking for a source of good ,strong plate hangers for plates 40cm and
larger, anyone know of any??

Bryan Hannis

Susan Fox Hirschmann on sat 26 nov 05

Sapir, a guy in Chicago makes beautiful plexiglas stands and they can be
bolted on the wall (there are two small holes in the back of them) or they will
hold plates him and select one of his largest stands.
Best of luck!
Annandale, VA

William Melstrom on sat 26 nov 05

> I'm looking for a source of good ,strong plate hangers for plates 40cm and
> larger, anyone know of any??

Bryan, for really big or heavy plates I suggest that you make your own
hangers. Martha Stewart shows how here:

William Melstrom