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my show, web page, magic square, tape as wax resist

updated wed 5 oct 05


Steve Irvine on mon 3 oct 05

Hi Terry,

Interesting raku. A nice contrast with the spontaneous raku effects and the control of the glazing.
Looking at the magic squares and geometric patterns I wondered if you were also familiar with
Penrose tilings? A google search will give you lots of info about them. His kite and dart pattern is
particularly rich with possibilities, and I used it myself on some carved porcelain works. Mid-way
down on my porcelain page is an example on a cylindrical jar:

You asked for a critique of your page. One thing to consider is reducing the file size of the
images. They could be one tenth the size (i.e. 20 kb instead of 200 kb each) and you wouldn't
notice a difference in appearance. It took about 10 minutes for my slow country dial-up
connection to download the page.


Ann Brink on mon 3 oct 05

I looked at the pots and read all the magic square info and am amazed.
You've taken a road less traveled, combining pottery with your fascination
with mathematics. I didn't (very likely couldn't) follow all the way with
it, but I've always liked the magic square idea too. Saw one in a museum in
China and took a picture of it. Old idea.

Ann Brink in Lompoc Ca

----- Original Message -----
From: "terryha"
(snip)> i finally began building web pages on a pay site. the site is still
> except for a page for the pottery pictures from the Goldesberry gallery
> show.
> any critique would be appreciated.
> oh yes, i discussed "magic squares" there, in case anyone is interested
> and used lots and lots of tapes as wax resist.

terryha on mon 3 oct 05

the "origins" by Leigh Taylor Mickelson and the "variation on vessels"
by Terry Hagiwara and David Trauba are still going on till Oct.15
at Goldesberry Gallery in Houston, TX.

i finally began building web pages on a pay site. the site is still empty,
except for a page for the pottery pictures from the Goldesberry gallery
any critique would be appreciated.

oh yes, i discussed "magic squares" there, in case anyone is interested in.
and used lots and lots of tapes as wax resist.

still recovering from evacuation fatigue,

terry hagiwara

Ingeborg Foco on mon 3 oct 05


Pot # 13 is "exquisite" However, each time I scroll down, or up for that
matter, the pots are somehow displayed in sections before becoming one. In
other words, each pot, as it is downloaded is somewhat disjointed. Hope
that makes sense and hopefully you can fix it. Sorry I can't help you


the Potter's Workshop & Gallery
P.O. Box 510
3058 Stringfellow Road
St. James City, Florida 33956
