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misc: potato starch; throwing; bottom of the bucket stuff; urinals

updated sat 2 jul 05


Helen Bates on fri 1 jul 05

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005 10:19:35 -0400, Lili Krakowski
>I have lived in a bunch of cultures, and I see, or not, the merit of each.
>When I say "I am making my bed" I am talking bedstead, mattress, sheets,
>blanket, pillow, possibly bedspread. I am NOT saying I am unrolling a mat,
>nor unrolling a hammock and hanging it up.
Hi Lili,

Nor, very likely, do you mean you are an old Scandinavian knocking a bed
together of peeled logs with auger-drilled holes pegged with hand-carved
wooden dowels (nor an old-style woodsman building a bough bed for the night.)

