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in a slump...standard 365

updated fri 20 may 05


John Hesselberth on tue 17 may 05

On May 17, 2005, at 3:36 PM, Carole Fox wrote:

> Is anybody out there in Clayart land having trouble with Standard 365
> cone 6
> clay or is it just me? My problem is slumping in the glaze firing.

Hi Carole,

My experience with that body is that it is really a cone 5 or 5 1/2
body (yes, Orton does make cones 5 1/2). At 6 it slumps unless it is in
a vertical form like a mug or cylindrical vase. I sometimes use an
L-shaped extruded test tile and they always sag on 365 at an honest
cone 6. I have stopped using it for that reason.


John Hesselberth

Carole Fox on tue 17 may 05

Is anybody out there in Clayart land having trouble with Standard 365 cone 6
clay or is it just me? My problem is slumping in the glaze firing. Every
big bowl I make seems to slump and of course, take out every surrounding pot
with it. At first I thought I was making the walls, that's not
it. Too thin?...nope. Too! Too hot?? Cone packs right next to
the piece and still had slumping with cone six not even soft.

So frustrating to finally be able to throw big with porcelain but can't get
the pots through the glaze firing.

(Boy, when you write the word "slump" a few times, it really starts to look
Carole Fox
Silver Fox Pottery
Elkton, MD

Jonathan Kaplan on wed 18 may 05

Imany several years of experience with Standard 365 porcelain and
found it to be a very poor, read VERY POOR, formula. I will not "out"
the formula but it is basically only a kaolin and a flux, and it is way
too over fluxed. I have seen every possible defect in this body from
slumping, and bloating at cone 4-5.

We lost hundreds or RAM pressed pieces for a client. Many years ago
when this happened, I was prompted to design a cone 4-6 whiteware body
that would perform optimally as an in-house replacement body to be a
thrown, press and jigger body. We upgraded into a new stainless mixer
and over/under pug mill and the resulting body has been used for many
years now. We have since added a cone 4-6 whiteware casting body based
on its plastic counter-part and are very pleased.

All of this because 365 was not a very well formulated clay body.

Standard Clays are for the most part very good blends and they do take
the care necessary, with the exception of 365, to formulate a well
researched body. 365 IMHO, is the exception.



Jonathan Kaplan
Ceramic Design Group
PO Box 775112
Steamboat Springs CO 80477
(970) 879-9139
(please use this address for all USPS deliveries)

Plant Location:
1280 13th Street Suite K
Steamboat Springs CO 80487
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deliveries only!!)
On May 17, 2005, at 6:38 PM, John Hesselberth wrote:

> On May 17, 2005, at 3:36 PM, Carole Fox wrote:
>> Is anybody out there in Clayart land having trouble with Standard 365
>> cone 6
>> clay or is it just me? My problem is slumping in the glaze firing.
> Hi Carole,
> My experience with that body is that it is really a cone 5 or 5 1/2
> body (yes, Orton does make cones 5 1/2). At 6 it slumps unless it is in
> a vertical form like a mug or cylindrical vase. I sometimes use an
> L-shaped extruded test tile and they always sag on 365 at an honest
> cone 6. I have stopped using it for that reason.
> Regards,
> John
> John Hesselberth
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Brenda Funk on wed 18 may 05

I use Standard's clays, but haven't used 365. However, I used 181 (a smooth
white body) and got dunting on almost every piece, using several MC6G
recipes. Lost LOTS of work last summer. I believe they've since
reformulated, but I'm afraid to try it again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Jonathan Kaplan
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: In a slump...STANDARD 365

Standard Clays are for the most part very good blends and they do take the
care necessary, with the exception of 365, to formulate a well researched
body. 365 IMHO, is the exception.

Russel Fouts on fri 20 may 05

If anyone has a problem with Standard Clays or anything else, just
give Standard a call and ask to speak to Carla. She's a clayarter and she
listens. Julie is also really good too but she's not on Clayart.


Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
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Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75

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