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request for suggestion on kiln coatings for hard brick soda kiln

updated fri 8 apr 05


Craig Martell on wed 6 apr 05

Hello June:

I use a coating on everything I want to protect in the salt kiln. 25%
kaolin 75% alumina oxide (basically calcined alumina). Spray a thin coat
on the walls and recover as needed. This works well. I coat my posts with
this too. I don't do anything to the shelves which are silicon carbide. I
just scrape off the salt after each fire.

regards, Craig Martell Hopewell, Oregon

June Perry on wed 6 apr 05

I'm looking for suggestions for coating my new hard brick soda kiln. I have
ITC 100 for the soft bricks on the door; but I don't know what would be the
best thing to use on hard brick.
I remember someone (Craig I think), saying ITC didn't work on his hard brick
salt kiln. All suggestions are most welcome!

Warm regards,
June Perry