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ball mill update

updated sun 27 mar 05


mittyj on sat 26 mar 05

A couple of years ago I posed a question to the list... ie. Would a =
wave pattern on the inside diameter of a pottery ball Mill improve the =
efficiency? I quoted the example of the much larger ball Mills used in =
industry, where various shaped liners were used to improve the =
efficiency. As is usual of this list, the response was fantastic, =
with many subscribers giving of their time to reply. The general =
consensus of opinions was that this would not improve the efficiency. =
Not only would I like to give a very belated thanks to those who gave =
their time to reply, but also to explain why they were correct to state =
that the efficiency would not improve as this was never made =
clear....The reason is that the totally inclosed pottery ball Mill can =
be, and is, filled at least two thirds with grinding media and charge =
and is extremely it is.
Whereas Industrial ball mills have openings at both ends. One end to =
allow for continuous charging and the other for the continual discharge =
of the resultant slurry. Therefore thse mills can never be more than one =
third full with media and charge...and in comparison with a two thirds =
full mill ..they are very inefficient. It is an ongoing problem to =
improve on this...and one way is to find a more effecient profile for =
the liners on the inside diameter.