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throwing out hard/old clay

updated wed 23 feb 05


S.E.W. on mon 21 feb 05


I just wanted to say that I have never thrown out any of my clay, =
actually I slip cast, since the first time my finances left me unable to =
purchase more slip ingredients and I was left with no other choice but =
to add water and reconstitute all those unused damaged pieces of =
greenware. I couldn't believe that I might have thrown away perfectly =
usable clay, had I not been forced to try it.=20

'Til this day, I still have buckets that I use to collect the greenware =
that is flawed, has cracked, or for any reason I couldn't use. Now I =
make sure to break up the unwanted piece and throw it into 5 gallon =
buckets until the buckets are full enough to add water and make new =
slip. I actually reconstitute my old slip even when I have enough new =
slip available. I can't imagine throwing away any greenware. As far as I =
am concerned, that old slip is going to be made into a new piece and =
possibly sold instead of going in the trash. It also makes my greenware =
cleaning sessions much less stressful!

Once again, I do use slip and I don't know if other clay bodies will =
reconstitute the same way. But, hey! You have to give it a try.=20
