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exhibition titles???

updated thu 24 feb 05


mitch lyons on tue 22 feb 05

I am haveing a one person exhibiton of my Clay Prints and the
gallery ask me to come up with a title for the show.
Do you title your one person exhibition?
If so, how do you title (theme, style, dates{recent}?
What was (is) your favorite show title?
Mitch Lyons

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Ann Brink on tue 22 feb 05

> I am haveing a one person exhibiton of my Clay Prints and the
> gallery ask me to come up with a title for the show.
> Do you title your one person exhibition?
> If so, how do you title (theme, style, dates{recent}?
> What was (is) your favorite show title?
> Mitch Lyons
Hello Mitch,

Yes, it's good to have a name for your show. It's useful for publicity that
either the gallery or you will be doing- press releases, invitations to a
reception, etc.

Guidelines for choosing a title are: to be relevant, and interesting.
Something about the title should be intriguing, if possible. And point to
what your show is actually about.

I've had only 2 one-person shows. One was called "The Joy of Clay" , and
the other, "Say it with Clay". I know, it's arguable if those titles are
intriguing, but they are clearly understood to be about clay. In your case,
making prints with clay, maybe you can convey that. How about "The Colors
of Clay-A 2-D Display" ? "Flat Art Revisited-Clay as Medium".........SORRY,
don't get me'll think of something.

Ann Brink in Lompoc CA

Kathy McDonald on wed 23 feb 05

I have only had 1 that counted and i am working on a second.

The first was mainly functional ware inspired mainly by looking at
Mayan pottery. It's title was Breakfast with The Goddess

I am working on one now that is inspired by the work of Georgia O'Keefe
and I think it will be called Remembering Georgia.

I think it is great when for shows link to a theme or the inspiration for
the work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On Behalf Of Ann Brink
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: exhibition titles???

> I am haveing a one person exhibiton of my Clay Prints and the
> gallery ask me to come up with a title for the show.
> Do you title your one person exhibition?
> If so, how do you title (theme, style, dates{recent}?
> What was (is) your favorite show title?
> Mitch Lyons

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Jeanie Silver on wed 23 feb 05

Dear Mitch,I think its interesting to title one person
shows-particularly,if,asis often the case,they are an exploration of a
particular theme or thread....actually I'm facing the same thing. In
October, I will be having ashow at a gallery where you had a show-in Kennet
Square, Pa. Bert, the proprietor, asked me to come up with a title ASAP.So
far,nothing has floated up to the surface of my mind....since I do a Lot of
different kinds of surface imagery that seems to live well together in the
same cupboard, I was thinking of something like "Free Association"-which I
like,but no one else seems to, or"Recombinant Clay"-such an obscure play
onwords that no one will get it-or"The skin of Appearance", which has
unfortunant tatoo parlor connotations...My favorite title for a show was one
from about twenty years ago,"Small Liberties". I think good show titles are
hard, but when they work, can become a kind of organizing principle that
healps people get a handle on your work.

Your prints are so beautiful and rich,as if they have risen to the
surface,gathering intensityas they approach the about "Clay
Color Fields", or "The Floating World"(combining a reference to Japanese
woodblock prints and the way your clay printing slip'floats' on your clay
printing slab)? Good Luck!

Jeanie in foggy Pa.