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homeless at nceca

updated tue 14 dec 04


Billie Mitchell on mon 13 dec 04

tony if you dont find a room i can lend you our bathtub.(i'll even throw in a blanket, but you have to bring your own pillow) that is if the both of you can stand rooming with 4 other women potters...i cant promise we wont wake up early in the morning and do a wake up call with a cold shower. we just might forget you were in there..we wouldnt do that on purpose though.. and lets not forget all of us fighting over the mirror to put on our makeup.. but i can promise that with 6 potters sharing a room it would make for a wonderful conversation. and all the food and drinks we are bringing and of course would make up for any cold shower. i dont know how comfortable the tub will be but your very welcome to use it!
just let me know if your interested in our tub before someone else snatches this wonderful opportunity up!

billie mitchell