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mississippi craft show & quality

updated wed 10 nov 04


Akira Suzuki on tue 9 nov 04

Dear Group -

I was scoping out some shows this weekend. Went to the Peter Anderson show
in Ocean Springs, MS. I was impressed by some wonderful pots made by
potters who obviously knew what they were doing. Nice show.

I am all for supporting local guilds and art groups, especially if they have
an exhibition running at the same time as show. BUT if the guild is going to
be participating in the actual show, selling their wares, they should also
have to undergo the same jurying as every other artist who has legitimately
applied and got in under their merits vs their affiliation.

This show had a parking lot cordonned off for a local guild. Perhaps I am
being a bit harsh because it was only a local guild, but I was amazed at
some of the things i saw. Huge s-cracks, obvious fissures down the sides of
pots, gaping holes and cracks along the trimming lines of feet, etc.. Pots
that should certainly should never have made it onto the shelf of any
display, let alone a display of a juried art show.

I realize selling work at a craft show is all about selling but dont think
of the customers like suckers. it reflects badly on all potters and
craftspeople. Step back and look at your work with an objective eye and
think seriously about what you are selling. Refine your skill and know when
a pot should hit the shard pile.

"Any job we do should be done with excellence as it is a direct reflection
of ourselves."
..a rather a propos quote i have pinned above my wheel.

A. Suzuki

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