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art postage stamps

updated wed 9 jun 04


Barbara Brown on mon 7 jun 04

People who attend NCECA know that I collect postage stamps with pottery
and art on them. I color zerox them, laminate them and make magnets and
bookmarks that I give away at the clayart room and when I travel as
gifts to potters.
A new series of art stamps came out this month with 5 stamps with the
art work of the sculptor, Isamu Noguchi on them. There is 1 of his
Akari lamps and 4 of his sculptures. Sorry to say none are of clay but
in July there will be a new set of American Indian art stamps and there
is one pot in this set.

Barbara Brown phone/fax 408-736-3889
1225 Manzano Way,Sunnyvale,Ca. 94089

Ivor and Olive Lewis on tue 8 jun 04

Dear Barbara Brown,
Is Federal Copyright waived for this sort venture.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia