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thomas stewart wheels: what do you think of them?

updated wed 26 may 04


Ann Semple on mon 24 may 04

I have sung the praises of my Thomas Stuart wheel before and I will do so
again - and again and again.
It is a sturdy, smooth workhorse, and totally reliable.

I had a problem when I first got it (cause by rough handling during
shipping) that was looked after pleasantly and with speed and since then it
has performed flawlessly. IMHO it is the rolls Royce of wheels - built to
last forever.

I can't imagine anyone selling one so I don't know the answer to "Do they
retain their value"

I have an electric one, but the Thomas Stewart reputation was built on the
kickwheel originally, so I suspect this all goes for it as well.

Hope this helps

---- Original Message -----
From: "Allen Steen"
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 7:18 AM
Subject: Thomas Stewart wheels: what do you think of them?

What do you think of Thomas Stewart wheels? Do you recommend a used

How do they compare in quality with the other brands?

Do they retain their value? What do you think of their customer

Thanks for your help!

Allen Steen

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Allen Steen on mon 24 may 04

What do you think of Thomas Stewart wheels? Do you recommend a used

How do they compare in quality with the other brands?

Do they retain their value? What do you think of their customer

Thanks for your help!

Allen Steen

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SusanRaku@AOL.COM on mon 24 may 04

I have had a motorized kick wheel for twenty five years and the only thing
that has needed any help is the switch on the motor. The materials used have
also been improved from a formica top to something that lasts even longer. So
can't tell you much about the service but recommend the wheel highly.
