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need advice for selling on ebay

updated mon 17 may 04


L. P. Skeen on sat 15 may 04

There seems to be a fee for just about everything on Ebay. There is the
initial listing fee, which seems to be based on your starting bid price.
Then there are fees to have your piece in the gallery, if you want bold type
on the listing, blablabla....then on the back end, they charge a percentage
of the final asking price on top of everything else. Have you checked out

----- Original Message -----
> When selling on ebay what is the sellers cost. I took a quick glance at
the website and figured it is 8%. Is that correct? Are there any other

Simona Drentea on sat 15 may 04

It depends on both the starting price & the final value of your items. There
are 2 kinds of fees, listing fees & final auction value fees. Go to ebay
'help' & do a search on 'fees', both sets of fees are on a sliding scale, so
there isn't one answer. As for advice, I know I put on the list all my ebay
advice a few months ago, search the archives for ebay or for my ID.

Simona in CO
<website and figured it is 8%. Is that correct? Are there any other fees?
Any advice? >>

SusanRaku@AOL.COM on sat 15 may 04

When selling on ebay what is the sellers cost. I took a quick glance at the
website and figured it is 8%. Is that correct? Are there any other fees?
Any advice?

This pertains to not only my artwork but antiques that I need to get rid of
from my parents estate.

