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glaze test for weiser's honey, cone 6, ox.

updated fri 23 apr 04


Alisa Clausen on thu 22 apr 04

Glaze test for Weiser's Honey, cone 6 ox.

Glaze tested on white midrange stoneware fired in electric oxidation to =

Source: Clayart
Credited to:

Firing ramp:
100c p/h to 600c (212f - 1112f)
150c p/h to 1100c (330f - 2012f)=20
100c p/h to 1220c (212f - 2228f)
5 min. soak
cool down max. to 800c
Hold 1 hour
Shut off kiln

20 Potash used Feldshammer, a blend of Potash and Soda ash.=20
20 Gerstely Borate
20 Neph. Syenite
15 Silica
10 Wollastonite
2 Dolomite
5 Kaolin

1 Titanium Diox.

Note: All raw materials are measured up or down to the nearest whole =
decimal. =20
Colorants or additives to a 100 gram test batch are measured in percent =
to the 100 gram test batch.

Gloss glaze, Amber to dark browns and slight opalescence in thickest =
streaks. Where thin, glaze is more uniformly brown.

Regards from Alisa in Denmark