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need help choosing tools for belize

updated wed 31 mar 04


r horning on tue 30 mar 04

To those tools makers out there: I would like to support
the project at Indian Church Village in Belize. I will not be
able to help teach there this year, but I would like to send
some woodworking tools so that the Belizeans can make
their own clay tools. I contacted Billie who thought this would
be a helpful contribution. I have contacted Lee Valley Tools
about providing tools at their cost for this project. They
have been quick to respond and have asked for a specific
list. I have chosen a few tools from their catalog, but need
input to determine if these are the best choices. I hope to
supplement this choice with some other Home Depot
or Harbour Freight tools.

I was imagining what I might need, and came up with a list. I will
list the model numbers if you are interested in looking it up.
Here is the site:
traditional hand drill 28k04.05
drill bits 12 5/64-1/4 07j01.12
HSS japanese saw 60757.01
additional saw blade 60t57.02
set of 3 chisels 44502.20
dead blow mallet 69k50.01
carvers saw 60t09.01
basic sharpening stone set 60m03.10
15 in 1 screwdriver 88k18.01
four in hand file 62w09.01
10" cabinet file 62wo6.02
10" bastard file 62w05.01

I would also like to get a staple gun for making
screens, a lot of staples, sanding block and paper,
blunt and needle nose pliers.

Of course this will depend on the cost. Can anyone help
me prioritize this list and make suggestions?

I sure appreciate your help.
Thank you, Rebecca

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pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on tue 30 mar 04

Hi Rebecca,

Some fast and loose thoughts...questions...

What sorts of Clay Tools are you expecting them to make?

What prior experience have they in making Tools ( or in
making 'what' for example? or what do or would they already
know how to 'make' in some ways or other? ), or, in useing
various (what kind of?) Tools, to be making things with?

And, what sorts of potential resources may we suppose an
observant eye to notice in their ambient environment and or
sundry lay-a-abouts of things people already own or use

Do they have Electricity then, as for the 'stapler' you
mention, or for it's air source or whatever... ?

Have they small or itinerate Blacksmiths about?

Carpenters about?

Who makes their Houses and out of what?

Where is 'Belize' ( sorry, my Rand-McNally is not handy) and
what sort of things grow there? And, what to they
traditionally make, and what do they traditionally make it
out of?

Las Vegas

----- Original Message -----
From: "r horning"

Subject: Need help choosing tools for Belize

> To those tools makers out there: I would like to support
> the project at Indian Church Village in Belize. I will
not be
> able to help teach there this year, but I would like to
> some woodworking tools so that the Belizeans can make
> their own clay tools. I contacted Billie who thought this
> be a helpful contribution. I have contacted Lee Valley
> about providing tools at their cost for this project.
> have been quick to respond and have asked for a specific
> list. I have chosen a few tools from their catalog, but
> input to determine if these are the best choices. I hope
> supplement this choice with some other Home Depot
> or Harbour Freight tools.
> I was imagining what I might need, and came up with a
list. I will
> list the model numbers if you are interested in looking it
> Here is the site:
> traditional hand drill 28k04.05
> drill bits 12 5/64-1/4 07j01.12
> HSS japanese saw 60757.01
> additional saw blade 60t57.02
> set of 3 chisels 44502.20
> dead blow mallet 69k50.01
> carvers saw 60t09.01
> basic sharpening stone set 60m03.10
> 15 in 1 screwdriver 88k18.01
> four in hand file 62w09.01
> 10" cabinet file 62wo6.02
> 10" bastard file 62w05.01
> I would also like to get a staple gun for making
> screens, a lot of staples, sanding block and paper,
> blunt and needle nose pliers.
> Of course this will depend on the cost. Can anyone help
> me prioritize this list and make suggestions?
> I sure appreciate your help.
> Thank you, Rebecca