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freezing clay, centering on,

updated mon 17 nov 03


Barbara Kobler on mon 17 nov 03

Gee I didn't know letting clay freeze could damage it. For 9 years I kept a big 1100 lb load of pugged clay stored in a shed that froze every winter. I kept watch to make sure it never dried out and simply thawed a bag of it when I wanted it in the winter. After so many years it was really nice and sliky. I loved it. Same with bucket glazes I used only periodically. They froze. They thawed. They be used. They looked fine.

About centering on. I still do better the old fashioned hand way. I don't know how I do it, but I mess it up everytime I try the giff grip. But I'd sure like to learn how to use it correctly.

But the real hoot is when centering a wet handbuilt cylinder on a wheel so it can be altered while still wet. Or after bisque to be decorated with bands. It's gets really interesting when a student's handbuilt piece is way off center. This is demonstrated for people who are older and don't throw-either due to lack of physical strength or other reason. It gives them some more choices. It also gives them a good laugh.
Barbara Kobler