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history and wood firing gurus......

updated sun 3 aug 03


Penni Stoddart on fri 1 aug 03

Had a brief discussion today that has got me all jazzed up again about doing
some research. I just need some prods in the right direction.
Here's the poop:
I volunteer at our local pioneer village in a period studio I have set up
with my own equipment. The village is working on their long range (and I
mean llloooonnnggg range) master plan and the director wants me to write
something up regarding the potters shed (as they call it). I want to be
historically accurate as well as be able to do all the steps (right now all
I can do out there is wheel throw or handbuild - all the firing and glazing
is done at home).
Here's the firing thing. I need to put a kiln in the plan and it needs to be
fast firing ( I can't be at the village firing a kiln for 24 hours). I
currently use ^6 stoneware and would like to continue with that. I have one
kiln book from a good friend (maid o' mud). It's the Olsen "The Kiln Book".
What should I be looking for in there and what do I need to know in terms of
costing this thing out and running it?
Any and all information people can direct me to with regards to historic
pottery making, wood kilns and brick and tile making would be MOST
Thanks a bunch in advance,


(double whammy - just got home with the hubby and kids to find out our very
close neighbour has been taken to hospital with a brain anurism (sp?) - it
doesn't look good. please tell me these things really don't come in threes!)

steve harrison on sat 2 aug 03

Hi Penni,
I have written a couple of books on wood firing. You may be interested
in visiting this web site.

If you find either of them interesting, please feel free to email me.
Kind regards
Steve Harrison

On Saturday, August 2, 2003, at 10:18 AM, Penni Stoddart wrote:
> Here's the firing thing. I need to put a kiln in the plan and it needs
> to be
> fast firing ( I can't be at the village firing a kiln for 24
> hours).Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at