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kiln sheds - the sequel

updated tue 8 jul 03


Lynne Girrell on sun 6 jul 03

Before I say anything else, I first want to thank all those who responded to
my inquiry regarding kiln sheds. There were far too many responses to thank
each one individually.

Well, the result of this endeavor is that I plan on building my own custom
kiln shed using steel stud construction with steel sheeting exterior.

The design ended up being custom because I wanted to have a big sliding door
and movable panel on one end to allow the shed to be opened up for more room
and better maneuvering when weather permits. Pre-fab units from hardware
outlets weren't close enough to the desired layout to be easily modified to
what we wanted.

The people who sell pole barns had most of the right materials, but couldn't
seem to grasp the fact that I really wanted an all metal structure. When I
started talking steel framing they just handed me a catalog and set me free.

Finally, at a commercial corporation that builds using steel framing
members, I found some people who were willing to talk to me and spend the
time to educate me on how steel framing is put together. Right away I told
them the size of the project, yet one of the guys sat through his lunch hour
explaining how the members are attached to each other, to the slab and to
the roofing. He made copies of example plans that showed framing details and
he showed me how to reinforce the structure where needed all the while
knowing that I'll spend, at best, a couple hundred bucks with them.

The ground has been cleared. Forms to be laid soon.

Again, thanks to all who took the time to respond to my inquiry. I read them
all and I appreciate your help.

Bruce "here we go" Girrell