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the beauty of the unfired clay.

updated thu 17 apr 03


Elizabeth Hewitt on wed 16 apr 03

I love beautiful glazes with texture and movement, color and sheen,
matte and gloss.......but.....

There's nothing I love more than the looks of the leather hard
clay...especially a dark body. I often photograph the unfired leather
hard greenware because there's something alive about it that seems lost
when it's dry and seems somewhat frozen after fired and glazed. Terra
Sig seems to preserve the unfired look more than anything to me. I often
leave porcelain unglazed when firing it and smooth the surface with one
of those rectangular sponge emery board type thingies after it's fired
until it's like silk for that look.

I just finished a group of tall carved pieces and when I compare the
finished glazed photos to the leather hard photos, it seems like the
beauty was locked inside...under the glaze.

The unfired ones look moist, rich and alive and I wish somehow I could
preserve them for all times just like that.


Christy Pines on wed 16 apr 03

is there an actual product name for

Elizabeth Hewitt wrote:

>those rectangular sponge emery board type thingies
i use some furniture refinishing pads to do some cleanup but I don't
think they ever have made a silk-like finish. thanks for any help you
can provide.

christy pines
emerging potter

Elizabeth Hewitt on wed 16 apr 03

Christy asked:

is there an actual product name for

>those rectangular sponge emery board type thingies
i use some furniture refinishing pads to do some cleanup but I don't
think they ever have made a silk-like finish. thanks for any help you
can provide.

Okay, I did some research. They are actually called nail buffing
blocks. I've bought them in the drugstore and online. The best ones
I've used, even though they are a little more expensive are the ones
I've found in the drugstore. I think they might be a Sally Hansen
product. I haven't found any online that one could purchase without a
$100. minimum order, it was actually a beauty supply distributer, the
reason for the minimum order deal. The blocks are usually a white
sponge with the abrasive grit on each of the four sides. I have bought
the ones on size and shape, not to mention the
grit, prevent them from being functional for the purpose I bought them.

They best part of using the buffing can reach in every
little corner because they are flexible.

Don't forget to wear your mask, wear your mask.......wear your
mask.....while sanding the clay.