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the clay body of your dream

updated thu 17 apr 03


Mike Gordon on sun 13 apr 03

Claybody wish list??? What a can of worms. I use pre-mixed clay from
Laguna, was taught at the College of Arts And Crafts, in Oakland,Ca. By
Viola Frey. We used Paul Quyles Sandstone Buff.Years later I fell in
love with Rod's Bod, then it changed,or I did and switched to Soldate
60, which I use now. The funny part of this story is that we bought a
batch that was perfect for me. It practally threw itself. So I e-mailed
Jon Pacini at Laguana, "get me more of this recipe" he emailed me back -
what are the numbers on the box? Turns out the signify that this
particular batch was made on a Wed. Just like Detroit!!! Monday and
Friday's cars had problems the inbetween ones were OK. HA!!! Welcome to
comercial clay. Anyway...... I can't wait to retire, travel around, try
some personal claybodies of other potters. One More Year! Mike Gordon,
Walnut Creek, Ca.

Cesar Augusto Montilla Jelambi on sun 13 apr 03

Dear friends, if you are looking for some special claybody that could not
find in the market, please let me know, and I´ll try to make it. That is my
work, from Venezuela.

Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger:

Ababi on mon 14 apr 03

Thank you C'sar, Will the cost be deamy too?
---------- Original Message ----------

>Dear friends, if you are looking for some special claybody that could not=

>find in the market, please let me know, and I=B4ll try to make it. That i=
s my
>work, from Venezuela.

Cesar Augusto Montilla Jelambi on wed 16 apr 03

Dear friends, My intention is to process limited quantities of clay bodies.
On reason for this is that I have always agreed with personalized works were
the relation between both the customer and the producer is kept the more
close as possible so that the exchange can be held better for the two parts.
Another reason is that as my not so big factory which is in my own house is
also intended to be a school, it is not desirable even for me and my wife
to handle the tons of clay that though could give us lots of money also
could keep us buried into the slavery of an impersonal work.
In this sense with the tons of the clays that I keep in stock as base for
the different formulae I prepare, I can guarantee the fewest variations in
the formulae for a few potters; I prefer this than being uncertain about
many more potters consuming quickly the base clays and forcing to future
variations as obviously the clays change in the same mine and from one mine
to another.
The other reason I have for offering very personalized clays is that I
intend in my work as a part of my life to no compete. I respect deeply what
others do, so that I always search to situate my self in the vacant places.
I do have the belief that every one has the power to decide how to live
their lives.
The prices of some clay bodies I am preparing now comes from 6,00$ to 9,00$
per Kilogram. They come in 18kgs bags. I use white-gray, rose and red clays
as the basis. Sand, fine and medium grog for texture.
Thank you per your attention.
César Montilla

>Subject: clay body
>Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 20:33:24 EDT
>tell me more,please.
>Misty Dew

Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger:

Cesar Augusto Montilla Jelambi on wed 16 apr 03

The price of some of the clay bodies already formulated and prepared by me
comes between 6,00$ and 9,00$ PER Bag. Each bag has 18 Kgs. Some of them are
easily used to cone 10. Some of them for wheel throwing and some other for

Charla con tus amigos en línea mediante MSN Messenger: