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the tile by kenneth clark

updated tue 14 jan 03


Stephani Stephenson on sun 12 jan 03

I don't think that this is the same Kenneth Clark as the Sir Kenneth
Clark who narrated the Art series (shown in US on PBS many years ago)

The bio states that this Kenneth Clark was born in New Zealand and has
lived and worked in England since the 1940s.
He has been involved in ceramics for over 50 years and in partnership
with his wife Ann, ran Kenneth Clark Ceramics. Says he has written 4
books on ceramics. He retired in 1997 but still writes and doea
freelance design

I think his strong suit is his ability as a tiledesigner and a maker
of tiles... and he has presented some nice examples of work by many
other tilemakers in Great Britain in this book

In 1990 he was awarded the MBE for service to Art and Design, and in
1991 was awarded a silver medal of the society of designer craftsmen.

That's just the info from the book jacket.
So you know where you gotta go if you wanna winnna medal!!!!

Stephani Stephenson