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uneven firing test kiln

updated mon 13 jan 03


Fredrick Paget on sat 11 jan 03

Just build it tall - over half again as tall as it is wide and deep. That
is what I did in an attempt to get more volume and now it fires 2 or 3
cones hotter at the bottom than the top. It is a downdraft Oregon Flat
top. I am still playing with the inclined fire bricks in the flame path.
Last time was worse.

>>> My test kiln is the one I will start playing with first. It is fired
>>>with one of my AMAL burners. The kiln is designed to fire unevenly, so
>>>it can get tests fired with different conditions and temperatures in the
>>>same kiln. This inefficiency has led to many of the discoveries that I
>>>have made with glazes. <<
>That's a great idea! How do you design a kiln to fire consistently,

From Fred Paget, Marin County, California, USA

Russel Fouts on sat 11 jan 03


>> My test kiln is the one I will start playing with first. It is fired with one of my AMAL burners. The kiln is designed to fire unevenly, so it can get tests fired with different conditions and temperatures in the same kiln. This inefficiency has led to many of the discoveries that I have made with glazes. <<

That's a great idea! How do you design a kiln to fire consistently,


Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75

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