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insulation bricks

updated fri 27 dec 02


Marek Drzazga-Donaldson on thu 26 dec 02

Dear Clayarters,

Happy Christmas to all.

Has anyone any idea as to the composition of the soft white insulation =
bricks used in kilns.

happy potting from Marek

Jim Kasper on thu 26 dec 02

THere was a thread on this a while ago, and someone was experimenting with making their own. The long URL that follows puts you right into that Thread:

I would love to hear more about this topic myself. I figure that since Uncle Mel asked , he probably has tons of neat reports. Mel??
On a similar topic, How do they glue them together in a typical electric kiln lid?
> From: Marek Drzazga-Donaldson

> Has anyone any idea as to the composition of the soft white insulation bricks used in kilns.