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the art of gas firing and the oxy-probe

updated fri 4 oct 02


Kat Valenzuela on wed 2 oct 02

Mel and all:
Thank you for the information about the copper reds. I to fire with an oxy
probe and
keep it at .6 to .5 depending on the temperature. I find the hotter the
kiln the less reduction I need according to the oxy probe.
With my kiln, all I need is a very small (hardly noticeable) flame and have
a medium reduction. I suggested this to someone else and they tried it with
no success. They needed a full bursting flame, fry your eyebrows off. So
every kiln must fire differently -- based on all the variables.
I am wondering whether the oxy probe readings would vary to every
kiln, and it just gives a guide line for each user to go by. I still go
by the flame first, oxy-probe second.
At the beginning of the firing I have a reading of .68 with a small flame
at the end of the firing I have a reading of .57 with a medium flame. If it
was at .67 then I would have a gigantic flame and way to heavy reduction.
Is that the way it is with others?
Kat in the Hat