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language, grammar, english etc,etc,---

updated tue 17 sep 02


Phyllis Tilton on mon 16 sep 02

Being waaaaaay behind in reading Clayart, I came upon the message about being grammatically correct in our writing. I know that there are people that will nitpick at many different things, table manners, mode of dress, length of hair, and other stuff, ad nauseum. BUT, look at the changes that have come about by having diversity! About being oneself ! --I could rant on but want to share the title of a book about our language. It is an extremely good read, never boring, humorous and very informative. Sent me to the dictionary numerous times to get the 'gist' of a word that the author uses.

The book is by Bill Bryson. Title: THE MOTHER TONGUE English and how it got that way. ISBN 0-380-71543-0(pbk)

He tells why you can talk but your dog can't. One of my sons gave me the book plus 7 others that Bryson has written. I am reading my way through them--mostly in the middle of the night when sleep evades me. If you can find this book, enjoy!

Phyllis Tilton

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