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what to not fire in an electric kiln

updated mon 9 sep 02


Suzanne Wolfe on sun 8 sep 02

After spending a while on the web, I have not been successful in finding
out information about burning out certain things in an electric kiln. For
example, the paper burning out from paper clay, cotton and or polyester
fabrics burning out from ceramic constructions, etc. Is there a potential
harm to elements from the vapors associated with these things. (I know
that it is important to vent properly for paper clay, but we have those
front loading Alpines, and they certain do not vent as well as a gas kiln
with the damper open.) Can we hear from the kiln manufacturers regarding
this question, and what they recommend? Or from individuals in
instutitional settings regarding policy on this matter.
Thanks and aloha,
Suzanne Wolfe