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progress report: the workshop

updated wed 17 jul 02


primalmommy on tue 16 jul 02

Hi, only a minute here while digesting my dinner, but my half dozen
clayartmates have assigned me the task of updating clayart on the
workshop at ACC (originally intended for Clennels.)

It would be absurd to say we weren't disappointed when Clennels couldn't
get here. Many thought long and hard but in the end only one cancelled.
Even Irene from CT decided to come after all. The 19 potters arrived
with a lot of energy and a "make the best of it" attitude. A bunch of us
ended up in the same cabin and unpacked our pots-with-lugs, which led to
compliments and friendly critiques and a lengthy, excited discussion
about how Ron-John glazes (mastering cone 6 book) compared fired by
different folks in different ways. My raw sienna and someone else's, two
potters with different slate blues, yadda yadda....

Soon we spotted by David Hendley (and wife Karen) and Captain Mark
Issenberg, who seemed to have the same determination about making the
best of the situation. Believe me, we are getting our money's worth out
of them! Sunday night, the before classes even started, we marched
Dave's red shoes over to the studio and got a jump start on the week.
>From that point on, it's been full speed ahead. Mark and David are doing
lots of demos, showing us how the lovely Clennel pots were made (we'll
be having a lottery for "first choice" to buy those pots) and how they
make their own versions-- and their own special pots. Meanwhile the
workshop is like "request night" on the radio; David and Mark are showng
us a little of everything, from extruder to texture to slip
decoration...and all these energized workshoppers are teaching each
other how to make cool stuff... AND THIS IS ONLY THE SECOND DAY!

Karen knows where the good swimming hole is, and takes those of us who
want to go... so far both nights we've been up til all hours, working,
or gathering to drink cold refreshing beverages which of course are NOT
beer because no alcohol is allowed here (nudge nudge, wink wink).

I love this place. This is my third year and the people are wonderful,
the woods deep and lush, the lake glorious. I stay too busy to miss my
kids (Jeff took the whole week off so I could come) and try to do a
year's worth of work and learning and "communing" with potters in a
week's time.

Right now the first soda kiln is loaded with slip-decorated functional
ware, cups and mugs and platters with lugs, bowls and lidded boxes and
casseroles and you name it, all produced by happy, industrious
workshoppers. We have already found a dozen things to tease each other
about, and of course David and Mark both have a wonderful sense of
humor. Jason is the proverbial one armed paperhanger, patient and
skilled as always. It's a little weird being here with no Vince; like
having a party at somebody's house when they're out of town. But as
always, every issue that comes up brings up the voices or workshops
past. "I do it this way, but Tony would say..." (or Mel likes to...Vince
believes...) --

I don't pretend to speak for everybody, but I'm having a ball... and the
potters around me seem pretty happy as well. A lot of us are doubly
determined to do a Clennel workshop in the future, but meanwhile the
boxes of handle making goodies arrived, and the videos, and those
glorious pots... I have my eye on a shino cup with a design shaped like
a peach... (or something more suggestive of human anatomy)... and bought
one of David's dancing extruded vases, and two of Mark's
big-enough-to-hold-an-adult beverage mugs. Mostly spending the money
clayarter Annabelle saved me by picking me up in Nashville and giving me
a ride (clayarters rule!)

OK, time to go watch the slide presentation of our fearless leaders...

Yours, Kelly FROM Ohio, miles from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,
shoes to tie, or meals to prepare... finally meeting folks I already
loved from clayart world....

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Judith I. Marvin on wed 17 jul 02

Kelly- Thank You. What a wonderful share. Wish I was there. Bring us up
to date later in the week. Regards. Judith

>From: primalmommy
>Reply-To: Ceramic Arts Discussion List
>Subject: progress report: the workshop
>Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:25:23 -0700
>Hi, only a minute here while digesting my dinner, but my half dozen
>clayartmates have assigned me the task of updating clayart on the
>workshop at ACC (originally intended for Clennels.)
>It would be absurd to say we weren't disappointed when Clennels couldn't
>get here. Many thought long and hard but in the end only one cancelled.
>Even Irene from CT decided to come after all. The 19 potters arrived
>with a lot of energy and a "make the best of it" attitude. A bunch of us
>ended up in the same cabin and unpacked our pots-with-lugs, which led to
>compliments and friendly critiques and a lengthy, excited discussion
>about how Ron-John glazes (mastering cone 6 book) compared fired by
>different folks in different ways. My raw sienna and someone else's, two
>potters with different slate blues, yadda yadda....
>Soon we spotted by David Hendley (and wife Karen) and Captain Mark
>Issenberg, who seemed to have the same determination about making the
>best of the situation. Believe me, we are getting our money's worth out
>of them! Sunday night, the before classes even started, we marched
>Dave's red shoes over to the studio and got a jump start on the week.
>From that point on, it's been full speed ahead. Mark and David are doing
>lots of demos, showing us how the lovely Clennel pots were made (we'll
>be having a lottery for "first choice" to buy those pots) and how they
>make their own versions-- and their own special pots. Meanwhile the
>workshop is like "request night" on the radio; David and Mark are showng
>us a little of everything, from extruder to texture to slip
>decoration...and all these energized workshoppers are teaching each
>other how to make cool stuff... AND THIS IS ONLY THE SECOND DAY!
>Karen knows where the good swimming hole is, and takes those of us who
>want to go... so far both nights we've been up til all hours, working,
>or gathering to drink cold refreshing beverages which of course are NOT
>beer because no alcohol is allowed here (nudge nudge, wink wink).
>I love this place. This is my third year and the people are wonderful,
>the woods deep and lush, the lake glorious. I stay too busy to miss my
>kids (Jeff took the whole week off so I could come) and try to do a
>year's worth of work and learning and "communing" with potters in a
>week's time.
>Right now the first soda kiln is loaded with slip-decorated functional
>ware, cups and mugs and platters with lugs, bowls and lidded boxes and
>casseroles and you name it, all produced by happy, industrious
>workshoppers. We have already found a dozen things to tease each other
>about, and of course David and Mark both have a wonderful sense of
>humor. Jason is the proverbial one armed paperhanger, patient and
>skilled as always. It's a little weird being here with no Vince; like
>having a party at somebody's house when they're out of town. But as
>always, every issue that comes up brings up the voices or workshops
>past. "I do it this way, but Tony would say..." (or Mel likes to...Vince
>believes...) --
>I don't pretend to speak for everybody, but I'm having a ball... and the
>potters around me seem pretty happy as well. A lot of us are doubly
>determined to do a Clennel workshop in the future, but meanwhile the
>boxes of handle making goodies arrived, and the videos, and those
>glorious pots... I have my eye on a shino cup with a design shaped like
>a peach... (or something more suggestive of human anatomy)... and bought
>one of David's dancing extruded vases, and two of Mark's
>big-enough-to-hold-an-adult beverage mugs. Mostly spending the money
>clayarter Annabelle saved me by picking me up in Nashville and giving me
>a ride (clayarters rule!)
>OK, time to go watch the slide presentation of our fearless leaders...
>Yours, Kelly FROM Ohio, miles from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,
>shoes to tie, or meals to prepare... finally meeting folks I already
>loved from clayart world....
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