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hand building workshop

updated sat 16 feb 02


mjgtilis on fri 15 feb 02

Clay Workshop: Thinking Out of Round; Hand-Building with Anne Fournier =
Saturday, March 2, 10 am - 4 pm. Greenbelt Community Center, Ceramic =
Studios, 15 Crescent Rd., Greenbelt, MD 20770.
This weekend workshop will begin with a slide show of the artist's work =
and continue with a hands on exploration of simple and complex hand =
built forms using colored clays, slabs, coils and drape molds.
Fees: $80
For more information call: Jessica Gitlis at 301-397-2208 x 2290

Dwiggins, Sandra (NCI) on fri 15 feb 02

Count me in on that one... Also, do you have a copy of the article from the
Gazette that quoted me? One of my students told me that I had been quoted
about what I said during the working session of the council. I'd like to
see it, if it's still around.

I finally met Tamara on Wednesday. She's very motivated....

I also wanted to ask you when the next session it the end of
March or beginning of April?


-----Original Message-----
From: mjgtilis [mailto:mjgitlis@EARTHLINK.NET]
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: hand building workshop

Clay Workshop: Thinking Out of Round; Hand-Building with Anne Fournier
Saturday, March 2, 10 am - 4 pm. Greenbelt Community Center, Ceramic
Studios, 15 Crescent Rd., Greenbelt, MD 20770.
This weekend workshop will begin with a slide show of the artist's work and
continue with a hands on exploration of simple and complex hand built forms
using colored clays, slabs, coils and drape molds.
Fees: $80
For more information call: Jessica Gitlis at 301-397-2208 x 2290

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