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spell check on oe without other ms products (ot)

updated sat 9 feb 02


Rikki Gill on thu 7 feb 02

Actually I am fine now. This occurred because I have a great new computer,
a flat screen monitor, and all was perfect until I realized I no longer had
a spell check. Nature abhors a vacuum. So my computer guru bought me a new
version of msworks, and is installing it. Till now I have had Corel word
perfect, but Bill Gates has won again. Anyway, You can all stop worrying
about me. God is in her heaven, all's right with the list. Rikki Gill in
rainy Berkeley where I have just turned off the kiln.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Janet Kaiser"
To: "Ceramic Arts Discussion List" ; "Rikki Gill"

Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: SPELL CHECK on OE without other MS products (OT)

> Poor Rikki will not be able to use spell-check in OE without
> installing at least one other Microsoft product. Any will do, like
> MS-Word, MS-Excel, etc. etc. and it does not matter which version by
> the look of things. So installing just MS-Word 6.0 (or later) should
> solve the problem. No need to install the whole Office package, but
> make sure you check on the dictionaries box in the options (details)
> when you add/remove programmes.
> If you don't have an Office disk, maybe someone who has upgraded their
> MS programme software in the last 10 years, could let you have their
> old, unused disks? This would not infringe copyright or terms of
> agreement, because they no longer use these products... Most people
> seem to have upgraded from Office95, so you may hit lucky with friends
> or family?
> Not only is Microsoft bundling in this way (as well as the more famous
> way, which briefly got them into trouble), but there is no alternative
> as far as I can see. It has been the case for the past couple of
> Outlook Express releases... At least since OE 4.0, maybe even from the
> very start? Just another one of their nifty little ways of forcing you
> to buy extra products and part with your hard-earned $$.
> As a useful alternative, I suggest you download "Opera". It is a
> browser with an e-mail facility. There is a freeware version of Opera
> which has an advertisement banner at the top, but you soon get used to
> it. I don't use it because it only supports US English, although it is
> very useful for Welsh and other Celtic languages! This is a great
> alternative to MS Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, but I don't
> know if or how it would work with multiple e-mail accounts. I presume
> Netscape would also be a good alternative... I don't remember what
> their e-mail programme is called, but you may find that has its own
> dictionary.
> Janet Kaiser - just going through similar troubles. I use two
> dictionaries (UK-English & German) which are another pain to build-up
> again, let alone use. Microsoft obviously thinks we are all
> monolingual. Even the user dictionary needs total re-building... All
> the clay terms and words which are not in... Not to mention slang... I
> am also unable to re-install all my old "saved" e-mails because they
> refuse to import or drag-and-drop. Ye, gods! Bill Gates is lucky he
> does not live next door!
> The Chapel of Art / Capel Celfyddyd
> Home of The International Potters' Path
> 8 Marine Crescent : Criccieth : GB-Wales
> URL:

Janet Kaiser on thu 7 feb 02

Poor Rikki will not be able to use spell-check in OE without
installing at least one other Microsoft product. Any will do, like
MS-Word, MS-Excel, etc. etc. and it does not matter which version by
the look of things. So installing just MS-Word 6.0 (or later) should
solve the problem. No need to install the whole Office package, but
make sure you check on the dictionaries box in the options (details)
when you add/remove programmes.

If you don't have an Office disk, maybe someone who has upgraded their
MS programme software in the last 10 years, could let you have their
old, unused disks? This would not infringe copyright or terms of
agreement, because they no longer use these products... Most people
seem to have upgraded from Office95, so you may hit lucky with friends
or family?

Not only is Microsoft bundling in this way (as well as the more famous
way, which briefly got them into trouble), but there is no alternative
as far as I can see. It has been the case for the past couple of
Outlook Express releases... At least since OE 4.0, maybe even from the
very start? Just another one of their nifty little ways of forcing you
to buy extra products and part with your hard-earned $$.

As a useful alternative, I suggest you download "Opera". It is a
browser with an e-mail facility. There is a freeware version of Opera
which has an advertisement banner at the top, but you soon get used to
it. I don't use it because it only supports US English, although it is
very useful for Welsh and other Celtic languages! This is a great
alternative to MS Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, but I don't
know if or how it would work with multiple e-mail accounts. I presume
Netscape would also be a good alternative... I don't remember what
their e-mail programme is called, but you may find that has its own

Janet Kaiser - just going through similar troubles. I use two
dictionaries (UK-English & German) which are another pain to build-up
again, let alone use. Microsoft obviously thinks we are all
monolingual. Even the user dictionary needs total re-building... All
the clay terms and words which are not in... Not to mention slang... I
am also unable to re-install all my old "saved" e-mails because they
refuse to import or drag-and-drop. Ye, gods! Bill Gates is lucky he
does not live next door!

The Chapel of Art / Capel Celfyddyd
Home of The International Potters' Path
8 Marine Crescent : Criccieth : GB-Wales

Lee Love on fri 8 feb 02

I don't have any of these other MS products listed and Outlook Ex 6's spell
check works just fine for me. I do have Works.

Lee In Mashiko, Japan

"We can only wait here, where we are in the world, obedient to its processes,
patient in its taking away, faithful to its returns. And as much as we may
know, and all that we deserve of earthly paradise will come to us."
Wendell Berry , Full Quote:

Tommy Humphries on fri 8 feb 02

Did you upgrade from an older OE through the windows update site...I think
that if you did the OE6 overlay, then all the accessory files are retained
from the previous version.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Love"
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2002 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: SPELL CHECK on OE without other MS products (OT)

> I don't have any of these other MS products listed and Outlook Ex 6's
> check works just fine for me. I do have Works.
> --
> Lee In Mashiko, Japan
> "We can only wait here, where we are in the world, obedient to its
> patient in its taking away, faithful to its returns. And as much as we
> know, and all that we deserve of earthly paradise will come to us."
> Wendell Berry , Full Quote:
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