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nceca clayart mug exchange 3/15

updated tue 5 feb 02


Gordon on mon 4 feb 02

To Clayarters-
There is just one month left till NCECA=8Aso
Let's exchange mugs in the Clay Art suite on Friday March 15th in
Kansas City.

1. Make a mug- (no bigger than 9"x9"x9") actually make 2 and donate one to
the NCECA scholarship fund.
2. Please tie your card or your name to the outside of the donated mug and
put another loose card on the inside of the mug to be used for the
exchange. Many clayarters have asked that you include the clay, glaze and
firing information on your mug.
3. Bring your mugs to the NCECA convention or have someone who is going
bring one for you.
4. Drop off your mug at the ClayArt Hospitality room look for sign
corresponding to the first letter of your last name.
5. If you want your name published on ClayArt as taking part of the mug
exchange you must write your name legibly on the clipboard you will find in
the ClayArt room.
Stay awhile and meet fellow clayarters and look at their amazing work .
6. On Friday afternoon(March 15) come to the exchange at 6pm (the room will
be closed to set up the exchange from 5-6pm Friday) and pick up your new
mug made by another Clayart member.
7.. I'm afraid it is not possible to take part in this exchange unless you
plan to be at the convention.

We will put the extra cards of the participants in a hat and then
draw the names of the mug's new owner.
Please try to remember that people bring their best work and many would
really appreciate a note of thanks. Most potters are present so you can
find them in the crowd after the exchange.
If you bring something other than a mug to exchange make sure that it stays
small so that the new owner will have no trouble taking it home.

If you have any other questions or concerns please contact me.