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your square plates post yesterday

updated mon 28 jan 02


Elca Branman on sun 27 jan 02

Of course you're confused..I didn't describe the paddling.

I hold the plywood in my left hand or lay it on top of a jug,anyhting
that will keep it at least 8 inches above the table.

The slab is draped over it.

I than paddle the sides into the angle I want..sometimes i use a wide
board so that I do the whole side at one blow.. I put the dowels inder
after I've gotten the sides where I want them and have taken the plate
off the foamed board. The dowels are there just to make sure that the
sides don't slump back.

These plates are always dried by wrapping the periphery in plastic till
the center is dry , thus avoiding cracks etc.

All thi could be shown to you in a second and a half if we were in real

If this doesn't help get back to me.. I have lots more confusing
vocabulary available.
On Sun, 27 Jan 2002 10:40:14 -0500 "Curtis G. Nelson"

> I've got a couple of questions to help me get a really clear picture
> of the
> steps you take in making square plates.
> You write: "After my clay slab is cut to size and firmed up, I lay
> it over the
> foam, and use a paddle or slab of wood to bang the sides into the
> angle I want
> and then put the dowels under."
> Is the plywood and foam rubber form made to be used as a slump
> rather than a
> hump mold? I assume so. .

. . "angles the cut
> edges and
" Can you clear that up for me?

You have a flat bottomed plate with sides that angle up..the rims, or
tops of the sides look better beveled(in my opinion) than FLAT AND
PARALLEL to the table..A surform or sharp knife is what i use for that.


Elca Branman.. in Sarasota,Florida,USA

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