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recycling terra-sigilatta leftovers

updated fri 25 jan 02


Russel Fouts on thu 24 jan 02


>A note about the leftovers from making terra sigillata...It is not a good idea to add that clay to your slop for will shorten the plasticity of the clay. I have yet to find a good use for this stuff... <

Experiment a bit with the left over slip and Epsom salts or some other
suspender. You might get a nice slip or even nicer, one that you can
apply to bisque, like mine. It might take a LOT of the suspender.

You can also wash it by mixing it with a lot of water, letting it
settle, skimming off the water and repeating until it's clean. But this
is a LOT of work, it settles out really hard.

I liked your article in CM.

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Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75

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