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updated sat 1 dec 01


colin durie on thu 29 nov 01

anyone know,

Which of the commercial feldspars is plagoclase and
which one is Microcline? Plagoclase is a potassium
aluminium silicate but the potassium can be replaced
with calcium which is plagoclase, and the other is
sodium. Which one is what Custer (Potassium Aluminium
Silicate) and G-200 (Potassium Aluminium Silicate).
Are they both Plagoclase or are they both Microcline,
or is one the plagoclase or is the other Microcline?

Colin M. Durie

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Ron Roy on fri 30 nov 01

Any feldspar I have ever seen the analysis for is a combination of both
sodium and potassium - If Sodium dominates we call it a soda spar - if
potassium dominates we call it a potash spar.


>anyone know,
>Which of the commercial feldspars is plagoclase and
>which one is Microcline? Plagoclase is a potassium
>aluminium silicate but the potassium can be replaced
>with calcium which is plagoclase, and the other is
>sodium. Which one is what Custer (Potassium Aluminium
>Silicate) and G-200 (Potassium Aluminium Silicate).
>Are they both Plagoclase or are they both Microcline,
>or is one the plagoclase or is the other Microcline?
>Colin M. Durie

Ron Roy
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15084 Little Lake Rd..
Ontario, Canada
Residence 613-475-9544
Studio 613-475-3715
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