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spooze! and repair questions

updated wed 28 nov 01


Russel Fouts on tue 27 nov 01


First, Pinching pots can be very satisfying. See if you can find a copy
of Paulus Berensohn's book "Finding One's Way With Clay". It was
republished a few years ago but may be out of print again already. Try
looking at for new or used copies. Or send a
message to Steve Branfman at he can probably find it
for you.

I love to pinch pots.

2nd, it's probably best to start your pots over and "get it right" this
time. All I mean is that you can learn from the breaks, explosions, etc
and make pots that won't do that in the first place.

3rd, you can probably use spooze on the bisqued pieces as well. I've
never actually used it but plenty here have.

4th, the reference to the late, missed and much loved Peggy Heer, a
wonderful Canadian potter and the inventor of Spooze.


> Hello, all...
> I am a newbie to the list and enjoying all the posts and wealth of
> information and websites (Lord what gorgeous pots!)--in WAY over my head of
> course.
> By way of introduction--I did my first ceramics at age 8, at a local pottery
> shop--still have a silly jar I did then. Stopped till adult ed class in my
> late teens, but as I didn't have regular access to either a wheel or kiln,
> stopped _again_ until this year. Now, I am loving it as I always thought I
> would (I'm a professional artist and writer, but there's something about the
> alchemy of pottery...), but have much, much to learn. I've held off on
> my questions and checked the archives to find answers to some, but if you
> will...
> > >> I would like to know the recipe for the clay/vinegar/corn syrup mix to
> > patch things. <<
> >
> > 1/3 each. And it's called Spooze
> So, is this the moist clay from the box, or powdered stuff?
> Is it possible it will help here? I made some three-legged pipkins, pinch
> pots, that I really liked, but alas, one leg came off two of them in bisque
> firing, and the two larger ones tried to _blow_ a leg off in firing. I'm
> assuming perhaps not enough slip on the first two, and moisture trapped
> still in the rather thick bottoms of the bigger ones. Those two didn't have
> applied legs, but short ones pulled from the body of the pots themselves.
> They FELT dry, but...
> So, I think the two small pipkins with the legs that simply came off in
> firing are pottery guru suggests a mortar meant for firebrick,
> but it doesn't take glaze. Would Spooze work here? Suggestions please?
> One of the two large pieces may be has a crack, but not of
> Grand Canyon proportions, so I thought if I ground down the edges of the
> crack and used either the mortar or this wondrous new mixture I might still
> be able to experiment with it.
> I'm fascinated with ancient forms--17th and 18th Century pipkins, piggins,
> and other cookware, etc., and had planned to cook with these over embers, as
> they were all pretty satisfying pieces--before firing.
> Does anyone have any suggestions or further information? Since I STILL
> don't have a wheel at home, I was finding pinch pottery to be quite
> satisfying...before firing.
> Thanks, much--
> Best Regards,
> Kate
> Graphics/Fine Arts Press


Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75

"There is a theory which states that
if ever anyone discovers exactly what
the universe is for and why it's here,
it will instantly disappear and be
replaced by something even more bizzarly

"There is another theory which states
that this has already happened!"

Douglas Adams' The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Kate Johnson on tue 27 nov 01

Hello, all...

I am a newbie to the list and enjoying all the posts and wealth of
information and websites (Lord what gorgeous pots!)--in WAY over my head of

By way of introduction--I did my first ceramics at age 8, at a local pottery
shop--still have a silly jar I did then. Stopped till adult ed class in my
late teens, but as I didn't have regular access to either a wheel or kiln,
stopped _again_ until this year. Now, I am loving it as I always thought I
would (I'm a professional artist and writer, but there's something about the
alchemy of pottery...), but have much, much to learn. I've held off on
my questions and checked the archives to find answers to some, but if you

> >> I would like to know the recipe for the clay/vinegar/corn syrup mix to
> patch things. <<
> 1/3 each. And it's called Spooze

So, is this the moist clay from the box, or powdered stuff?

Is it possible it will help here? I made some three-legged pipkins, pinch
pots, that I really liked, but alas, one leg came off two of them in bisque
firing, and the two larger ones tried to _blow_ a leg off in firing. I'm
assuming perhaps not enough slip on the first two, and moisture trapped
still in the rather thick bottoms of the bigger ones. Those two didn't have
applied legs, but short ones pulled from the body of the pots themselves.
They FELT dry, but...

So, I think the two small pipkins with the legs that simply came off in
firing are pottery guru suggests a mortar meant for firebrick,
but it doesn't take glaze. Would Spooze work here? Suggestions please?

One of the two large pieces may be has a crack, but not of
Grand Canyon proportions, so I thought if I ground down the edges of the
crack and used either the mortar or this wondrous new mixture I might still
be able to experiment with it.

I'm fascinated with ancient forms--17th and 18th Century pipkins, piggins,
and other cookware, etc., and had planned to cook with these over embers, as
they were all pretty satisfying pieces--before firing.

Does anyone have any suggestions or further information? Since I STILL
don't have a wheel at home, I was finding pinch pottery to be quite
satisfying...before firing.

Thanks, much--
Best Regards,
Graphics/Fine Arts Press