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svend bayer workshop at hoyman/browe www site

updated tue 18 sep 01


Helen Bates on mon 17 sep 01

Hello all,

Looking this morning from the local library computer for clay pieces to soothe my mind, I entered the search phrase "big pots" in a search engine and found this link. I've mentioned Hoyman/Browe before, I think, but the Svend Bayer pots are new (second link) and maybe the link to the instructions for using PVC and lath for making woodfire kilns economically and of reusable materials is new. As always, I find great pleasure in looking at their woodfired pots, especially the jug in the lower right corner of the woodfire thumbnails page.

Also, to all here and their loved ones and close associates who have been affected in any way by the events of a week ago, I want to express my sadness at all that has happened.


Helen (in Belleville, Ontario, Canada)

Helen Bates
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Bill Amsterlaw's link to my Clayart Posts

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